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  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty
  • Ethiopia Land of Plenty


Lucy "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"

How did one of Ethiopia's most famous residents come to be named after a beatles song? It all begans on November 30, 1974. It started out the same as any other day at Hadar, an archaeological site in Ethiopia. Paleontologists Tom Gray and Donald Johanson were exploring an area where they had found fossils before.

As they walked along, surveying the area, johanson happened to notice a small, broken piece of bone sticking out of the ground. As he examined it, Johanson realized that the bone was anatomically similar to a human bone. As the two men continued to search the area, they realized that they had found about 40 percent of a skeleton, and one that was very well preserved.




Birth place of Coffee Arabica      Source of the Blue Nile      Ethiopia: 13 month’s of sunshine      Cradle of Mankind      Ethiopia Has it’s own script, national system and calendar      
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